Step 2 : In the new window select Change keyboards. Step 1: Open Control Panel and select Change keyboards or other input methods in Clock, Language, and Region The following article of will guide you how to put Chinese keyboard on windows 7 and windows 10, please follow along! For windows 7, the activation method will be a little different but not too difficult.

Activating Chinese percussion is very simple but not everyone knows how to do it. On Windows 10, the Chinese percussion is built-in, but to use it we must enable percussion. contact me about your software development project.Installing Chinese percussion will help those who are learning Chinese, or working for Chinese companies can be easier to study and serve at work. It’s also used in foreign names, as in Chinese, and to separate out titles from names. Usage of the interpunct is a little more general in Japanese, which inserts them to separate words in any foreign phrase that’s been transcribed into katakana. You most commonly see them in newspaper articles. They just go between the given name and surname instead of any ugly spacing or dashes. In Chinese, interpuncts are generally only used in foreign names (hence the use of ‘name dot’ in this article). On Mac operating systems, you can input a name dot with the key combination option + shift + 9. To get the name dot on Windows operating systems you have to hit alt + 0183. (that’s alt gr and a full-stop / period). Typing a name dot is as simple as hitting alt gr +. If you’re sensible enough to be running a Linux distro and have the X Window System (you probably do), you’re in luck. Typing an interpunct on Linux (X Window System) Here’s how to do it on the three most common. The way you input this ‘name dot’ varies by operating system. So how do you input the name dot when typing? The interpunct separates out the given name and surname.

An example you’ve probably seen is the name ‘Harry Potter’ in Chinese: 哈利