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If you wish to play the Windows version, please refer to Windows PC from the list below) If you have not previously registered A Realm Reborn under this platform, you will receive 30 free days of game time. Do not start a new service account, or you will not have access to your existing character(s). Purchase and register a different platform to your existing service account and you will be able to play on both platforms with a single subscription. Please purchase FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE COMPLETE EDITION, which includes A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers. ▼ I would like to play on a different platform with my current FINAL FANTASY XIV character. However, you will not be able to individually access A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers Therefore, it will still be possible to register Shadowbringers to an existing service account even if you purchase FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE COMPLETE EDITION. *FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE COMPLETE EDITION contains all expansion packs in addition to FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. *You will be able to play FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers regardless of whether you purchase the Standard Edition or Collectors Edition. PlayStation®5 : The game is only available as a digital download, so no code is required Windows PC / Mac / Steam : Mog Station ( ) ・The steps for registering a registration/product code differ depending on the platform you are playing on.
![final fantasy? xiv online complete edition [pc ] final fantasy? xiv online complete edition [pc ]](https://www.cdkeyz.com/wp-content/uploads/final-fantasy-xiv-online-complete-experience-pc-cd-key.jpg)
Note that in order to register Shadowbringers to a service account, that service account must have A Realm Reborn of the same platform already registered.
![final fantasy? xiv online complete edition [pc ] final fantasy? xiv online complete edition [pc ]](https://digicodes.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/jual-game-pc-final-fantasy-xiv-complete-edition-eu-new.jpg)
If you would like to have your current active FINAL FANTASY XIV character have access to FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers, please purchase FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers, which includes Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers. ▼ I currently have a FINAL FANTASY XIV character and would like to play FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers expansion on that character. ◆ For currently active FINAL FANTASY XIV players: *Note that purchasing the Shadowbringers expansion alone will not enable you to play the game. ◆ For customers who would like to play FINAL FANTASY XIV for the first time: Please review the following that would best fit your requested criteria: Depending on how you would like to play, your purchase product will differ.
![Final fantasy? xiv online complete edition [pc ]](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/g/greathigh-power/20200126/20200126193949.jpg)